College student surveys 2009

College student surveys 2009


Ontario Colleges Key Performance Indicators Survey

What do students at 24 Ontario colleges think of their schools? And what do employers think about the skills of college grads? To find out, Ontario’s colleges surveyed 109,000 students, more than 39,000 graduates and nearly 8,000 employers.
> Who took part
> How the survey was done
> Highlights


Graduate employment rate

Graduate satisfaction rate

Employer satisfaction rate

Graduation rate

Student satisfaction rate (average of four student satisfaction questions)

Student satisfaction: Useful knowledge and skills

Student satisfaction: Quality of learning experiences

Student satisfaction: Quality of facilities and resources

Student satisfaction: Quality of services

B.C. Diploma, Associate
Degree, and Certificate
Student Outcomes Survey

What do students at 20 B.C. post-secondary institutions think of their schools? What do they think of the education and training they received? To find out, B.C. surveyed 16,297 former students.
> Who took part
> How the survey was done
> Highlights


How well did the program help develop your skills?

Write clearly and concisely

Speak effectively

Work effectively with others

Analyze and think critically

Resolve issues or problems

Use Mathematics

Use computers

Use other tools and equipment

Learn on your own

Read and comprehend materials

Student level of satisfaction with aspects of the program:

Quality of instruction

Organization of program

Fair assessments (tests, papers)

Amount of practical experience

Textbooks and learning materials

Library materials

Availability of instructors outside class

Helpfulness of instructors outside class

Quality of computers and software

Quality of other tools and equipment

Overall satisfaction with studies

Usefulness of training:

Usefulness of training in getting new job (Arts and sciences programs)

Usefulness of training in getting new job (Applied programs)

Usefulness of skills/knowledge in performing job (Arts and sciences programs)

Usefulness of skills/knowledge in performing job (Applied programs)

Advice from the experts

Should I go to college or university if I’m not quite sure?

You have so many options

What does my prof really want from an essay?

Do grades really matter?

What do I do if I’m tempted to cheat?

How can I save money on textbooks?

How do I manage my personal finances?

How do I manage my student loans?

How do I get the most from a student-professor relationship?

How do I choose the right program for me?

How can I improve my chances of getting into grad school?

A short guide to RESPs

What degree will get me a job?

How do I get a reference letter?