CanadaManitoba town to ban kids at nightKillarney mayor Rick Pauls says the kids are too fast for police
CultureBattleship: not just a game anymoreHollywood’s hot on kids’ toys. Coming soon: movies based on Monopoly and . . . Ouija board.
CanadaWe’ll build half and hope for the bestWill the Detroit bridge get built? A Michigan senator says ‘no.’
CanadaStore refuses to cover up tobacco wallBob Gee says his customers are thanking him for taking a stand
CanadaAfrica says Canada is stealing MDsSouth Africa is losing too many doctors, but ’it’s their problem’
WorldRussia makes new (old) friendsChávez with Sechin: just out to make a buck, or leftist collusion?
CanadaThe third-best island in the worldCape Breton beat not only P.E.I. and Vancouver—it beat Hawaii