CollegeUCalgary football player suspended for steroid useTeam’s head coach says positive drug test is a "slap in the face"
CollegeOxford poetry drama’s Canuck connectionUAlberta welcomes Nobel Prize-winning poet, despite accusations
CollegeUK lecturers vote to boycott Israeli universitiesTo avoid lawsuit, union leadership immediately voids vote
CollegeU-Pass fraud in Vancouver, says CBCInvestigation finds 35 students selling student transit passes online
CollegeToxic chemical stolen from UWaterloo studentsTen vials of explosive, poisonous liquid snatched from water-testing researchers
CollegeAyers denied entry to Canada. Again.Former militant, current education professor was last turned away in January
CollegeCalifornia considers cutting financial assistanceUnder Schwarzenegger’s new plan, 77,000 grants totalling $180 million would be cut
CollegeTo student outcry, U of T approves flat feePolicy will apply to students taking three to six classes, starting 2011
CollegeGuns on campus OK, says Texas senateStudents and employees would be allowed to carry licensed, concealed weapons
CollegeAngels & Demons & LecturesUniversities across the country jump on film’s science-based bandwagon