Elizabeth Brandt

The Artemis Accords, a new international agreement on space exploration, may help us decamp (Corbis/Getty Images)

Canada’s escape from planet Earth?

Shannon Gormley: There are many things that are great about outer space but I think we can all agree that its most attractive feature is that it is not directly adjacent to the United States
Protestors hold a banner and a Canadian flag as they gather outside the BC Supreme Court for Meng Wanzhou's hearing in Vancouver in May (Mert Alper Dervis/Anadolu Agency via /Getty Images)

When not to pay a ransom

Shannon Gormley: It is precisely because of the CCP’s status—a thug in the guise of a recognized authority of a recognized state—that its ransom-for-hostages demand is not merely evil but intolerable, and its price not merely high but impossible