Pam Palmater: Systemic racism in health care continues because it has been normalized, ignored and denied, while the system places an onerous burden on First Nations peoples to prove racist hospital treatment
Pam Palmater: Privileged politicians who took pandemic vacations need to lose more than their official roles as ministers or critics. It is time to take a stand.
Pam Palmater: The problem isn’t Indigenous culture, it’s RCMP culture, where racial profiling, harassment, brutality and the killing of Indigenous peoples is somehow justified
Pam Palmater: A giant, well-enforced wall of laws and regulations has kept Indigenous peoples from hunting, fishing, fowling and gathering. Our traditional economies have been criminalized to maintain a non-Indigenous monopoly.
Pam Palmater: The rise of white nationalism happened so quickly in Canada that the government does not have a handle on the serious threat it poses to public safety
Pam Palmater: The Indian Act is used as a target to deflect blame for racist decisions made by the federal government; a clever guise to force the surrender of all First Nations’ rights