University’utterly without substance’ USask president fights back over claims he unduly interfered in dean selection process
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UniversityWhat to do about hazing? UAlberta case shows universities need to reexamine their relationship with the Greek system
UniversityUAlberta speaks out on grading disputeUnder no circumstances are grades changed ’arbitrarily,’ says dean of science
UniversityStudent sports unwashed pair of jeans for 15 months for experimentUsed jeans to test potential health hazards of wearing grimy clothes
UniversityWill university webmail ever die? Despite drop in usage, email remains most reliable way for universities to keep in touch with students
UniversityAnother day, another strike at UManitobaUManitoba could see second support staff strike in a little over three years
UniversityBattle over copyright fees put on hold ... for now Copyright fee increase for universities put on the back burner by Copyright Board of Canada
UniversityStudents speak out on UAlberta grades disputeMixed reactions about math prof who’s grades were lowered by department