Disney buys Star Wars, Twitter explodes
Aaron Hutchins on what observers had to say about the entertainment deal of the day
Disney buys Star Wars, Twitter explodes
Storified by Maclean’s Magazine · Tue, Oct 30 2012 17:55:00
Walt Disney Co. set Twitter on fire upon announcing that they bought Lucasfilms (owners of the Star Wars franchise) for $4.05 billion. The news was quickly followed by the announcement of the next Star Wars installment to be released in 2015.
No need to inform us of the Lucasfilm/Disney situation. We are aware. The internet imploded in on itself immediately after the announcement.Red Letter Media
Lol #lucasfilm #Disney
Bought Lucasfilm, Disney did. Replace me with Mickey Mouse, they cannot. #GoJediOnSomeoneIWillYoda
…The most devastating super-storm in centuries WAIT WHAT DISNEY BOUGHT LUCASFILM?! #USA #IncludesMeBillCorbett
Is there a CNN reporter that can be made to stand outside Skywalker Ranch to properly report on this latest tragedy to grip the nation?Linda
Lucasfilm, la compañía del afamado director George Lucas, será comprada por Disney por US$ 4.050 millones. T Comercio
This is what George Lucas was probably thinking when he agreed to sell Lucasfilm to Disney! :) #yolo Kazi
And with the news, fans all over the world were quick to make new mock-up movie posters or or photos putting Mickey Mouse in the Star Wars universe (or vice versa).
After acquiring Lucasfilm, Disney has wasted no time developing the new Star Wars 7 movie poster.
En el Episodio 7 de Star Wars (Lucasfilm® y Disney®) el villano se llamará Darth Mouse. Jodido
Disney buys Star Wars
Disney buys Lucasfilm for $4 billion. So, are we gonna see Mickey in the next movie? Montes
Star Wars Episode 1: the Phantom Mouse
STAR WARS Episode 7 teaser poster yayınlandı! (İbret olsun diye yaptım. Noolur bu espiriyi yapmayın)üven Erkin Erkal
Se viene la nueva Star Wars cc/ @fabiomb Anduaga
Just for the occasion of Disney subsuming (consuming?) LucasFilm… Hershon
Disney announced that they bought LucasFilm for $4.05 billion and planning for a release of Star Wars by 2015!
Vader Mouse #disney #lucasfilmGeek Arcade
Some where against the sale to Disney, however, saying it would make Star Wars to focused on kids instead of the hardcore fans.
That awkward moment when you realize now that Disney owns Lucasfilm, Princess Leia is now a Disney Princess.That Awkward Moment
Estaría bien la mezcla Disney/Lucasfilm Aguilar Perez
With Disney’s acquisition of LucasFilm, I can’t wait to see the new hit Disney Channel series, "That’s So Revan"!Scott Frerichs
While others saw great synergy potential, albeit sarcastically perhaps.
Now that Disney has bought Lucasfilm, I think we can all agree that we want to see Tony Stark kill Jar Jar Binks in Star Wars 7.Professor Snape
Lucasfilm has just given me a part in the new Star Wars. Stark
Looking forward to Nick Fury turning up at the end of Episode 7 to recruit Luke Skywalker to the Avengers.McK-evil
Oh no. Disney bought Lucasfilm — what if they ruin Star Wars.Kelkulus
Disney has bought Lucasfilm. I hope they don’t become too commercialized.Peter Serafinowicz
Disney buys Lucasfilm, and announces a Star Wars 7. And we thought Hurricane Sandy was the biggest disaster to happen this year…Not Will Ferrell
Disney bought Lucasfilm, therefore Cinderella is the new Chewbacca.Owl City
Now that Disney owns Lucasfilm, maybe they have the money to finally begin work on the third Death Star.Darth Vader
Now that Disney owns Lucasfilm, Yoda will finally be allowed to go on the fun rides at Disney World.Darth Vader
Thanks Lucasfilm, nothing says evil empire better than being owned by Disney.Darth Vader
Disney is acquiring Lucasfilm and Announced a new Star Wars coming out in 2015…talk to u later, I’m going to go stand in line.Frank Caliendo