In a pivotal scene in this film adaptation, a young singer—struggling with his sexuality and nervous about opening up to his conservative Filipino family—finally gains the confidence to perform in front of his entire school
Royal expert Patricia Treble’s take on the latest Diana flick: The bones for a good film are all there but the end result is underwhelming. Plus, how closely did it follow what really happened?
On the eve of Bond 25, Brian D. Johnson looks back at how 007 has changed with the times—from Connery’s droll menace to Craig’s tortured thuggery—while always remaining invincible and immune to any style but his own
A Broadway musical about Princess Diana, an Ava DuVernay production about Colin Kaepernick and a Zack Snyder ’Army of the Dead’ spinoff. Here’s Jaime Weinman’s rundown of everything coming to Netflix in Canada in October.