Are Fiat’s new ads about its cars or Jennifer Lopez?

In the latest commercial for Italian carmaker Fiat, Jennifer Lopez cruises the streets in a cream-coloured Fiat 500 Cabrio convertible, dressed impeccably, while a mob of fans chases after her (whether they’re after Lopez or her car isn’t clear). Fiat couldn’t have picked a higher-watt star for their new ad campaign—with her recent divorce, Vanity Fair cover story, a new album out, and a recurring gig on American Idol, Lopez’s career is hotter than ever. But some observers worry Fiat’s ad campaign will alienate men, the auto industry’s traditional target consumers.
On Fiat U.S.A.’s Facebook page, some reviews have been scathing, with one commenter saying the ads risk turning the Cabrio into a “girls’ car.” Maybe that’s not such a bad thing. Some reports suggest that, since the recession, more women are buying sports cars. As for Lopez, she’s got a new single to promote, which blares in the commercial’s background.