
Grumpy Cat inks advertising deal with Friskies

Deal adds to the Internet cat’s online empire

Grumpy Cat should have something to be cheerful about: she just signed an advertising deal with Friskies cat food.

Or, more accurately, Tabatha Bundesen, the owner of the perpetually frowning cat behind the popular Internet meme, is the one who will benefit from the deal with the Friskies parent company Nestle Purina PetCare.

The deal between Bundesn and the Friskies brand first began in March, and is being extended, according to today’s announcement.

The terms of the deal have not been released, aside from the fact that Grumpy Cat (whose real name is Tardar Sauce) will appear in the fur at The Friskies Award Show in October where she will get a lifetime achievement award.

Add this new deal to an already lucrative website, T-shirt line, book, calendar, coffee beverages (Grumppuccino), etc., etc. and this frowning cat will keep itself in kibble for years to come.

And, how does Grumpy Cat feel about the new deal? About the same as usual.