Realtors’ signs are hung outside a newly sold property in a Vancouver neighbourhood where houses regularly sell for C$3-C$4 million ($2.7-3.6 million) September 9, 2014. Chinese investors’ global hunt for prime real estate is helping drive Vancouver home prices to record highs and the city, long among top destinations for wealthy mainland buyers, is feeling the bonanza’s unwelcome side-effects. The latest wave of Chinese money is flowing into luxury hot spots. But it has also started driving up housing costs elsewhere in a city which already ranks as North America’s least affordable urban market. Julie Gordon/Reuters REUTERS
Our nation, divided: Wealth and health
A look at the growing gaps separating Canadians, in income, spending and healthcare
The Canadian identity is often summarized by what we share: vast landscapes, an unforgiving climate and a sense of hardy resilience. But Canada is increasingly a nation defined by our differences. The economic gap between have and have-not provinces, differences in outlook among young and old, and even what we are buying and where. Here, as part of that Our Nation Divided series, we crunched the numbers to show how the gulfs are widening between Canadian cities and provinces, in regards to our income, our spending, and our health.