Maclean’s magazine cover

Canada’s not for sale. Maclean’s is.

St. Francis Xavier students dance at The Inn (the student union bar) on the first wing night of the semester on Wednesday, Sept. 6, 2017. (Photograph by Mikaela MacKenzie) Mikaela MacKenzie

Canada’s top party schools 2019

Universities where students enjoy the most hijinks per week, according to our annual survey of undergraduates
By Maclean's

Maclean’s surveyed more than 23,000 undergraduates across Canada in 2018 and asked them to estimate how much time they spend partying each week. We tallied the total party hours for each school and calculated a mean, based on the number of respondents. This approach ensures a small number of “super partiers”—those who say they spend more than 35 hours per week engaged in the activity—don’t skew a school’s results. The average number of hours Canadian students party per week? Just three hours. About one-third of respondents said they don’t party at all. Respondents said they spend an average of $11.80 on drinks per week and consume an average of 3.3 beverages in that time.

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