PHOTO COURTESY OF HUMBER COLLEGE Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning

Humber College Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning

Founded 1967 | Toronto

Just behind Humber College’s North campus in Toronto sits its arboretum, a 100-hectare park with sprawling botanical gardens lining the Humber River. The park features the Carolinian life zone, one of the most diverse ecosystems in Canada and an excellent learning opportunity for students in programs such as sustainable energy and building technology. The school’s sustainability program awards an extra certificate alongside a general arts and science diploma or certificate. 

Humber’s five centres of innovation facilitate collaboration between faculty, students, industry partners and community organizations. Its students have won gold in the 3D digital game art, baking and mechatronics categories at the Skills Canada National Competition and have represented Canada at the WorldSkills Competition. Humber’s athletes and varsity teams have won national and provincial titles in badminton, volleyball and basketball. 

Humber offers degree, diploma, certificate, apprenticeship and continuing education programs at its three locations across Toronto. The North and Lakeshore campuses in Toronto have suite-style student residences. The North campus is also home to the Humber Room restaurant, where culinary and hospitality students hone their skills. The Humber Wellness Centre includes a spa that supports the aesthetician and spa management programs, along with a massage therapy clinic. Also located on the North campus is the University of Guelph-Humber, which offers seven four-year undergraduate academic programs, each of which grants a university honours degree as well as a college diploma. The International Graduate School is located in the heart of downtown Toronto—a learning hub close to the financial and technology districts. 

Construction is underway at two locations. The Humber Cultural Hub at the Lakeshore campus is one of the most environmentally conscious developments in Canada. The Centre for Skilled Trades expansion, near the North campus, will see an additional 16,620 square feet with new classrooms and technology.

Quick facts

School size:

Degree $7,300-$7,800
Diploma $4,000-$6,600
Certificate $2,500-$12,100
Post-Grad $3,800-$13,600

Residence offerings:

Popular programs

Business Management/Global Business Management
Pre-Health Science Pathway Certificate
Police Foundations Diploma
Early Childhood Education

Cool options

Funeral Director: In the province’s only English-speaking funeral service education program, students learn practical and theoretical aspects of funeral home operation, including issues of bereavement.

Comedy—Writing and Performance: Students learn stand-up, improvisation, scriptwriting and sketch comedy. The faculty comprises award-winning professionals.

Bachelor of Engineering—The Built Environment: This program is designed to prepare graduates for a more sustainable society. Students learn how to design net-zero and climate-positive buildings that are adaptable and resilient for decades to come.