Northlands College
The region in which Northlands College is located encompasses 46 per cent of Saskatchewan’s land mass but has less than four per cent of its population. The college has campuses in Air Ronge, La Ronge, Buffalo Narrows and Creighton, and offers select programs in other communities in northern Saskatchewan. Program areas include health, the trades, adult basic education, mining and university courses. In 2017, Northlands opened a mine school, offering both diploma and certificate training. Its mine-engineering technician diploma is the only one in Canada offering in-class instruction along with labs, field schools and a work placement. Students work in a simulator to hone their skills with relevant equipment before they enter the field. Some credits from the diploma may also be transferable to select university degrees.
The school also offers a mineral exploration techniques program. This one-year certificate program explores geology and geomorphology through labs and field work. The La Ronge campus has student apartments and there are small residences in Creighton and Buffalo Narrows. Northlands is one of seven regional colleges that provide courses created by other educational
Quick facts
School size:
Degree $10,000
Diploma $9,000
Certificate $7,800 (2023 figures)
Residence offerings:
Popular programs
Powerline Technician Fundamentals
Diploma in Mental Health and Wellness
Bachelor of Education
Business Administration Diploma
Cool options
Indigenous Practical Nursing: This two-year program teaches students to be culturally responsive and professional care providers with an understanding of western and Indigenous approaches to health and wellness.
Powerline Technician: This Red Seal program prepares students to build and repair overhead and underground power lines used to conduct electricity from generating plants to the customer.
Mineral Exploration Techniques: Students gain entry-level knowledge and skills in order to function as part of a mineral exploration team. In this one-year certificate program, learn about sampling methods, protocols and functional math through in-class instruction, labs, field schools and possible work placement.