York University isn’t the only school to catch an alleged fraudster pocketing its cash this year. The University of Waterloo offered this statement on Wednesday:
University of Waterloo Police Services, assisted by Waterloo Regional Police, investigated and charged former University of Waterloo employee Jacqueline Hollmann with one count of theft over $5,000 and one count of fraud over $5,000, involving a total amount of approximately $955,000. The charges pertain to this individual’s role supervising the university’s copy centres, which operate as an ancillary business unit within the university providing print and other administrative services on campus. The matter came to light in early 2011 and the university took immediate and appropriate action to initiate an investigation. The individual no longer works at the university.
No further charges with respect to this case are expected.
As a publicly funded institution, the university is committed to its fiduciary responsibilities. The university, through its internal auditor, Deloitte & Touche LLP, and as part of its continuous improvement process, conducts annual audits of university departments and functions. In 2012 audits have been completed, or are underway, for cash handling compliance, purchase card compliance and payroll processing; compliance audits will continue to be part of the annual program of audits.
The university cannot comment further at this time as the case is before the courts.