ANSSA also concerned about PSE research
Paris Meilleur over at the Alliance of Nova Scotia Student Associations has publicly added her voice to those concerned about the loss of the Millennium Scholarship Foundation research.
As reported here, the Foundation will be replaced next year by the Canada Student Loan Program. But the research that has been done by the Foundation was not mentioned when the government announced the change.
Meilleur, like a lot of other people, is concerned about this. In a blog post on the ANSSA website, she writes, “Thank goodness Millennium has been around to assert early outreach as essential in PSE policy. But that never should have been their responsibility in the first place. They were filling the research, policy and creativity vacuum that exists in Canada around PSE policy because of a continued lack of federal leadership on the topic. And now that Millennium’s research funding has not been renewed, it doesn’t look good for those concerned with learning more about access and how to create meaningful programs and policies that can address all of the access barriers.”