
CFS to launch national higher-ed magazine

Just what students have been asking for!

I am so, so excited I can barely contain myself.

At their semi-annual meeting in May, the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) passed a motion to create their own national magazine focusing on post-secondary issues. All I can say is: it’s about time! Students have been pushing for something like this for a long, long time, and the CFS has obviously heard their cries. Two or more student publications at most universities simply won’t do! Fees need to be spent on another voice.

The CFS magazine will focus on “trends and changes to educational policies, issues and events that have a national scope and other issues that are of importance to the college and university system,” reports the CUP newswire.

The motion to create the magazine was initially drafted by York University’s students’ union. According to student union president Krisna Saravanamuttu, the publication will “focus on issues that are happening across the country in a way that mainstream media doesn’t reflect.”

Shelley Melanson, CFS deputy chairperson, added, “The idea is to actually provide space for student journalists who want to write about post-secondary education.” She said the goal is to work in collaboration with others to make sure coverage of student issues is given due justice.

Well, having written about student issues for years, I am more than tickled to hear about something new emerging on the higher ed beat. I’d like to welcome the publication by offering a few story ideas of my own. Please, CFS magazine, don’t hesitate to contact me if you’d like to discuss some freelancing opportunities!

1.  “Free Post-Secondary Education!”

No, silly! I don’t mean an article about student activists claiming to be “enslaved” by the institution and theatrically protesting with chains or gravestones or whatever it is they do. I mean a story about students who believe tuition fees should be abolished, and the number of admissions cut in favour of only those candidates who hold the most potential.

2. “Cross Campus Campaigning”

So-called CFS slates from one school often campaign for slates sympathetic to the CFS at another school. Let’s, first, acknowledge that this happens, then maybe write a line or two about it!

3. “SHAME”

An article simply repeating the word, over and over.

4. “The Separatists”

Again, we’ll just start by admitting that schools that want to defederate actually exist. We’ll go from there.

-Photo by ZaCky