When I first found out that all my midterms and lab reports were due before Reading Week, I was disappointed that I wouldn’t have the extra studying and report-writing time.
I quickly realized that I was actually lucky.
Had everything been due after Reading Week, I would have spent the entire nine days procrastinating, but not the fun guilt-free kind of procrastination. I’m talking about the type where you know you should be studying, which means you can’t quite bring yourself to do anything fun.
So instead you stare blankly at the TV with your notebook and textbook open in front of you.
I even listen to the infomercials. And not in the normal “I can’t believe anyone would actually buy that thing” way. But in a, “I’d rather watch someone enthusiastically clean their kitchen with a ShamWow cloth than study for my physiology midterm” kind of way.
But heading into Reading Week with my midterms and lab reports behind me, I’m free to spend the whole week reading. Yeah, sure. Reading.