
How NOT to choose electives

Biology + biology + biology + biology = too much biology.

cashews, nutsI’m sick of biology. It’s been my favourite subject since grade 11, but I did something really stupid this semester: I took four biology courses all at once.

I didn’t take them just for the heck of it. I’m not one of those keeners who would take astro-neurological biochemical physics as an elective because it sounds kinda interesting. Yes, I love biology. But the main reason why I chose to take all four biology courses at the same time is because I need a certain number of science electives in order to graduate. So why not do them all in one semester? Like ripping off a band-aid in one shot.

But I’ve since learned that biology courses aren’t like band-aids- they’re more like nuts. Having too many makes you feel queasy, and amazed you ever liked them in the first place.

-Photo courtesy of me and the sysop