On Campus

Montreal MBAs jump in Economist rankings

Where does your business school stand?
John Molson School of Business by Canuckistan


The Economist has released its annual ranking of full-time M.B.A. programs. Below, we show you all the Canadian schools on the list, with their 2010 ranks in parentheses. The thing that jumps out here is how much Montreal’s two primarily English-language programs have climbed. After winning a long fight with the Quebec government to charge tuition in line with what other schools charge, McGill University’s Desautels Faculty of Management leaped onto the list at 64th. It’s unclear whether those two facts are related, though the upped tuition did begin in 2009-10. Concordia University’s John Molson School of Business also made a significant gain. Congratulations to all.

9. York University – Schulich (10.)

64. McGill University – Desautels (Not ranked)

80. Concordia University – Molson (96.)

81. University of Calgary – Haskayne (82.)

82. University of British Columbia – Sauder (79.)

96. HEC Montreal (Not ranked)

A note on methodology: The Economist uses three years of data to rank, with 2011 worth 50 per cent. Their rankings are the results of an audited survey of 17,770 students and graduates. There are 21 quality indicators considered, including gain in salary, average GMAT score, breadth of alumni network, students’ assessments of facilities and the percentage of grads finding jobs.

For another take on business school rankings, one that looks entirely at return-on-investment in terms of salary growth, check out the Forbes’s Top 12 Non-U.S. Business Schools.

For yet another take on b-school quality, consider Business Insider’s World’s 50 Best rankings, which give extra weight to networks and schools’ brands. Only the University of Western Ontario (Ivey) and the University of Toronto (Rotman) represent Canada on that list.