
Students steaming during strike at University of Windsor

Air conditioning unfixed despite 34 degree heat

A strike that began Sunday at the University of Windsor has caused some class cancellations today, according to reports on Twitter. Professors have been dismissing lectures inside buildings where failed air conditioning won’t be fixed by striking workers or contractors, who refused on Tuesday to cross picket lines. Temperatures reached 34 degrees on Tuesday and 31 degrees by Wednesday afternoon. The university’s Facebook page says A/C was off in half of classrooms Tuesday but, “Mother Nature will bring her own relief on Thursday.” Those who walked off the job include roughly 300 lab technicians, IT workers, plumbers, carpenters, graphic designers and nurses. The strike has caused a long list of events to be cancelled, including 50th anniversary celebrations. Some are making the best of a bad situation.CUPE 1393, the union, is handing out cool treats while some instructors have held classes outdoors. Here’s how students have reacted so far on Twitter: