University College of Fraser Valley joins CASA

Third students union to join CASA in a year

Students at the University College of Fraser Valley in British Columbia have decided to join the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations.

Students voted for membership in CASA during a week long referendum with 74 per cent of students voting in favour of membership. CASA is the second largest national student lobby group in Canada, a rival to the Canadian Federation of Students.

The union is the third new member for CASA in the last year. The Wilfrid Laurier University Students’ Union became full members in April 2007 and the University of Prince Edward Island joined in November.

“This is an important step for students who hope to participate in national change for post-secondary education,” said Churchill. “We look forward to working with the SUSUCFV; their perspective and insight will be a welcome addition to the CASA table.”

SUSUCFV joins Canada’s largest students’ union, the University of British Columbia Alma Mater Society, as CASA’s two members in British Columbia.