
You could be the next Maclean’s On Campus blogger

Seeking opinionated students who can write
Photo by Aaron Jacobs on Flickr


Maclean’s On Campus is Canada’s daily source for higher education news, opinion and advice.

To keep the conversation fresh, we rely a team of bloggers who are filing reports and columns from Cape Breton University to UBC in Vancouver.

We’re excited to announce that we’re ready to add a couple of new regular voices. The problem is, we’re not sure who they’ll be. So how about you?

Here’s the deal. Our bloggers are student journalists who tell us what’s changing on their campuses and in higher education nationwide.

They contribute one post minimum per week. It may be a straight-up news story one week, an opinion piece the next, an advice column the week after—anything that will interest our readers.

But who are those readers? They range from high school students who are considering attending post-secondary schools to university presidents, but most of them are current students themselves.

Stories with audio, video and photographs are encouraged, but not required. No experience is necessary, so long as you can prove that you’ve got good ideas and are capable of writing well.

So what’s in it for you? Unlike many blogs sites, we pay a fee for each post. Blogging may also count toward course requirements. But above all, it’s an opportunity to influence the conversation.

To apply, click on “Contact Us” at the top of the screen and send us a message. Tell us a bit about yourself, suggest a couple of news story that you think our readers would read and suggest some opinion pieces you’d like to write. Be sure to include contact information.

Good luck,

Josh Dehaas
Editor, Maclean’s On Campus