Canadians missed 9.1 days of work for personal reasons in 2011
New figures compiled by Statistics Canada show eight per cent of Canadians with full-time jobs skipped out of work for personal reasons during an average week last year. In all, full-time employees lost an average of 9.1 days in 2010 for personal reasons, down from 9.5 days in 2009, but up significantly from eight days in 2000. Public sector workers were much more likely to miss work, skipping 11.8 days of work time in 2010 for personal reasons, compared with 8.2 days for their private-sector counterparts. Unionized employees were similarly more likely to miss work. Full-time workers who belonged to unions, or who were covered by collective agreements, missed an average of 12.9 work days for personal reasons in 2010, compared with 7.3 days for their non-unionized counterparts.