Cheney defies protesters, defends record before Vancouver appearance
Former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney defended his track record in office and dismissed the claims of protesters ahead of his appearance at a Vancouver book club Monday. Speaking with the Globe and Mail, Cheney defended his support of the controversial waterboarding technique used to extract information from senior al-Qaeda operatives. He also stood behind his hawkish advocacy for the U.S. invasion of Iraq, insisting that the world is a better place now that Saddam Hussein is gone, adding that the “war on terrorism” has been worth the cost—both human and financial. Many people were angry that Cheney was allowed to enter Canada, saying his frank support of torture and his support of an “illegal” war in Iraq qualify as crimes against humanity. Some have called for his arrest on war crimes, while others—including a federal NDP MP—wanted him to be barred from Canada. Cheney was in Vancouver at a $500-a-plate dinner to promote his new memoir, In My Time.