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Got $7.95 million? The Mulroney mansion is up for sale

Chandeliers and sconces not included
By Maclean's

The mansion that belongs to former Canadian prime minister Brian Mulroney and his wife Mila went up for sale earlier this month, according to a report in the Montreal Gazette.

The five-bedroom five-bathroom home (with an additional two bedrooms in the basement) is in the Montreal neighborhood of Westmount and is listed at $7.95 million.

The home was purchased under the name Mila Pivnicki in 1993, reports the Gazette. The initial cost of the home was pegged at somewhere around $1.7 million.

“Located on a tranquil crescent, discreetly tucked away into an intimate oasis, is a property that will continue to take your breath away once inside,” reads the listing.

And take your breath away it may, particularly if you get tangled in the heavy drapery adorning the formal sitting room and dining room.

However, those thick curtains, along with the chandeliers and sconces are not included in the asking price, according to the listing.

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