Let the ’horses and bayonets’ meme begin
Aaron Hutchins calls the first meme of the third debate
Let the "horses and bayonets" meme begin
Storified by Maclean’s Magazine · Tue, Oct 23 2012 02:49:48
When discussing military spending at the third presidential debate, Governor Mitt Romney spoke about how the U.S. Navy needs more spending and that the amount of ships they had was higher before 1920. Obama came back with a quick zinger, told with such sarcasm that it is sure to become the next political debate meme.
POTUS: "You mentioned the Navy and that we have fewer ships than we did in 1916. Well, Governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets."Obama 2012
And so it began.
Then the candidates started debating horses and bayonets…
Horse And Bayonettes premieres this fall on The History Channel. #debates #Obama2012Adrian Hickman
I couldn’t resist… #bayonets #legos @MittRomney Castner
Hey if we’re outfitting everyone with bayonets, can I have a Klingon ba’tleth? #debate #klingonsLorenzo Sierra
Romney leads the horse-drawn charge! #Obama: We also have fewer horses and bayonets #debates #ImAGlobalist
We can win any war with Binders full of Bayonets.Wayne Bridges Junya
"More horses! More bayonets! Romney/Ryan 2012" #debate Klabusich
Fact: Iran has been stockpiling horses & bayonets. #debateDane Cook
#debate2012 HORSES AND BAYONETS King
@BuzzFeed Romney likes horses and bayonets S
"We also have fewer horses and bayonets." #presidentialdebate Chakrabarti
A vote for Romney is a vote for more horse drawn buggies full of bayonets #debate #dnc #rncǝǝ˥ ʎɐſ
Donkey team 6, Fix bayonets!!!
"Yes and we have fewer horses and bayonets than in 1916!" Smack!Michael Moore
Horses and bayonets!
"Governor,you mention we have fewer ships than in 1916. Well we also have fewer horses and bayonets."-President Obama Rod
CHART: At 106k TPM, "Horses & Bayonets" most-tweeted moment of #lynndebate. Total debate 6.5 million. #debates Government