GeneralNewsweek’s unfortunate timing with #PetraeusFrom cover story to between-the-covers storyBy Aaron HutchinsShareCopy LinkEmailFacebookXLinkedInWhatsAppRedditNovember 16, 2012[<a href=”” target=”_blank”>View the story “Newsweek’s unfortunate timing with #Petraeus” on Storify</a>]<br /> <h1>Newsweek’s unfortunate timing with #Petraeus</h1> <h2></h2> <p>Storified by Maclean’s Magazine · Thu, Nov 15 2012 18:52:12</p> <div>The sex-scandal surrounding four-star General David Petraeus has been the biggest story in the United States since the election. The former head of the CIA resigned last Friday after admitting he had an extramarital affair with his biographer. Once the news broke, however, <i>Newsweek</i>’s latest magazine had already gone to print with an issue dedicated to “the heroes.” The front cover included a leader for an article on David Petraeus and his “12 Rules of Leadership.”</div> <div>Think Newsweek wishes they had a do-over with their Petraeus article? #oops Woody</div> <div>Uh oh. Printed pre-scandal, Nov. 12 Newsweek has “Petraeus’s Rules for Living" by biog Paula Broadwell. (No. 5: “We all make mistakes.")Steve Harvey</div> <div>Just found the new Newsweek. How sad is it that #1 on General Petraeus’ rules for Living states "Lead by example….Jim Self</div> <div>The reaction from social media varied from sympathy for <i>Newsweek </i>to a variety of double entendres, especially as the article was written by Paula Broadwell, his mistress.</div> <div>Poor #Newsweek. This week’s Heroes Issue gives the final page to Petraeus’s Rules for Living.Jack Lule</div> <div>Newsweek has poor timing. Article in this weeks magazine highlighting Gen. Petraeus’s 12 Rules of Leadership. Oops. Fraiz</div> <div>Best evidence no one knew abt this until just now: Broadwell pubbed this in Newsweek on Monday Marshall</div> <div>Is it just me or are "Petraeus’s Rules for Living" rife with sex-related double entendres and innuendo? N.C. Klein</div> <div>General Petraeus’ Rules for Living make much more sense when you add "in bed" after each one Daily Edge</div> <div>General Petraeus’s Rules for Living: 1. Lead by example from the front of the formation. In bed. Daily Edge</div> <div>General Petraeus’s Rules for Living: 6. Be humble. In bed. 7. Be a team player. In bed. 8. Don’t rely on rank. In bed. Daily Edge</div> <div>Paula Broadwell wrote the @dailybeast Petraeus post with this line: "Your body is your ultimate weapons system." Pasick</div> <div>General Petraeus’s Rules for Living: 12. Everyone on the team is mission critical. In bed. Daily Edge</div> <div>The double-entendres just won’t quit! @cfhorgan: From Newsweek: Paula Broadwell on David Patraeus’s "Rules for Living" Coyne</div> <div>General David Petraeus’s Rules for Living-none mention living it up with your biographer! via @newsweekwill thorne</div> <div>Find it funny that space usually reserved for "My Favorite Mistake" in @Newsweek is a Petraeus article on leadership by Paula Broadwell.Damon Sloan</div> <div>And despite all the negative publicity, there are still many willing to stand up for Petraeus’ long history with the military.</div> <div>Admrl Bill McRaven doesn’t condone what Petraeus did but called him "An American Hero" at tonight’s #herosummit @NewsweekMartha Raddatz</div> <div>Despite all the furore, General Petraeus does know a thing or two about leadership! Munro Turner</div> <div>STILL a great leader IMO. A lesser man would’ve renegged on his principles>> Gen Petraeus’s Rules for Living – Aclaro</div> <p> Tags:Petraeus affair