Maclean’s magazine cover

Canada’s not for sale. Maclean’s is.


Next we’ll find out Kevin Lynch won’t be able to make it either.

By Kady O'Malley

UPDATE: Commenter James, of whom I becoming fonder and more appreciative by the moment, points out that the notice has been amended yet again: Ian Brodie – a far from nameless PMO official – is now on the witness list. Undrat! I’m not sure if the time given for his appearance is a typo, however — it says 11:30, but the meeting is only scheduled to go until 11:00, and there’s committee business on the agenda as well.

In any case, ITQ will – of course – be there. We’re leaving right now to get a good seat, in fact. Since it won’t be possible to update this post between now and kickoff, feel free to add any other developments in the comments.

As noted by a commenter on the original NAFTA/Obama/Clinton/AP/CTV/PMO/And-Your-Little-Dog-Too Leak Investigation Investigation (no, that’s not a typo) post, it seems that those unnamed senior officials from the Prime Minister’s Office who were listed when the notice first went up this afternoon are no longer there. Drat!

If Kevin Lynch turns out to be a no-show, I say they take the meeting on a road trip across the street to Langevin, and set up a table in the lobby, since that might be the only chance the committee will get to catch up with the overworked and, apparently, wildly overscheduled souls who toil in the bowels of PCO/PMO.