To mark the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, Senate Speaker Noël Kinsella hosted a reception in honour of the Dominion Institute’s Passages to Canada, a program of speakers that highlight the Canadian immigration experience. Below is Kinsella (right) with Greg Thompson, Minister of Veterans Affairs.
RCMP sergeant Baltej Singh Dhillon, who is one of the program’s speakers, told his tale about being the first RCMP officer to be able to wear his turban and keep his beard on the job.
NDP MP Peter Stoffer helped serve the food.
Stoffer with fellow NDP MP Jack Harris.
Marc Chalifoux (left), the Dominion Institute’s executive director, with Liberal Senators Dennis Dawson and Lucie Pépin.
Chalifoux used to be Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff’s aide.
Immigration Minister Jason Kenney spoke at the reception.
Montreal Liberal MP Marlene Jennings.
Montreal Liberal MP Justin Trudeau.
John FitzGerald, Newfoundland premier Danny Williams’ man on the Hill.
Iggy aide Michael O’Shaughnessy.
Iggy staffer Adam Goldenberg.
Liberal Party man Mathieu Gravel.
Young Liberal Pam Hricks.
The book Barack Obama signed when he was on the Hill.
The crowd.