The 2012 Food Writing Awards, which recognize and celebrate superior writing and publishing throughout Canada’s culinary world were handed out on Nov. 7 at the Arcadian Court in downtown Toronto. There were a total of twelve nominees spread across five categories. The winners are bolded below:
Leslie Beck’s Longevity Diet, by Leslie Beck
The Boreal Herbal, by Beverley Gray
- Unquenchable, by Natalie MacLean
Genèse de la cuisine québécoise, by Jean-Marie Francoeur
Une agriculture qui goûte autrement, by Hélène Raymond and Jacques Mathé
Revel 2012: Guide des champagnes et des autres bulles, by Guénaël Revel
Whitewater Cooks with Friends, by Shelley Adams
Odd Bits, by Jennifer McLagan
- Chef Michael Smith’s Kitchen, by Michael Smith
L’univers gourmand de Jean-Luc Boulay, by Anne L Desjardins and Jean-Luc Boulay
À la di Stasio 3, by Josée Di Stasio
L’artisan culinaire, by Sébastien Houle
The Ontario Table, by Lynn Ogryzlo
- Made in Italy, by David Rocco
Market Chronicles, by Susan Semenak
Asie: Un voyage culinaire, by Vincent Beck and Diem Ngoc Phan
Su: La cuisine turque de Fisun Ercan, by Fisun Ercan
Stefano Faita: Je cuisine italien, by Stefano Faita
Preserving, by Pat Crocker
We Sure Can!, by Sarah B Hood
- Spilling the Beans, by Julie Van Rosendaal and Sue Duncan
Nos 200 meilleurs desserts et biscuits, by Coup de Pouce
Saisis, by Louis-François Marcotte
Sous le charme des courges et des citrouilles, by Louise Gagnon, Louise