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The Mystery of the Missing Cabinet Ministers

By Kady O'Malley

Solved by those nosy kids behind CBC’s Political Bytes! Well, except for the Prime Minister, who is apparently off somewhere, giving a speech to insurance underwriters, who should probably think twice before joking about million dollar life insurance policies, no matter how funny they think it might be.

Meanwhile, Pierre Poilievre is – fielding isn’t quite the right word, it’s more like dodging and weaving and occasionally flailing – his way through Question Period as the James Moore of the in and out scandal, which suggests that PMO, at least, thinks he’s doing a heckuva job.

UPDATE: Oh, and check out the Bloc Quebecois motion for tomorrow’s opposition day, courtesy of Colleague Wells. So sneaky, those separatists. That might actually be a debate worth watching in its entirety.