Donald Trump’s announcement and the teasing that ensued
Storified by Maclean’s Magazine · Wed, Oct 24 2012 18:31:16
Donald Trump, the real estate mogul, is pretty good at getting media attention.
Trump dropping Obama bombshell this weekinboxnews
Trump had heralded an announcement that was “very very big concerning the president of the United States” and that it would be “bigger than anybody would know.”
In true Trump fashion, he forced people to wait for the news.
In true Trump fashion, he forced people to wait for the news.
Story will be released today at 12 noon EST on Twitter and Facebook.Donald J. Trump
I think it’s very thoughtless of Donald Trump to schedule an appearance when so many of us will be eating.Andy Borowitz
Sure, there were silly predictions…
Maybe Trump will prove that Obama’s been killing people extrajudicially, including Americans, with flying death-robots.Timothy P Carney
BREAKING: Donald Trump to announce how easily a rich idiot can get everyone’s attention at 12 EST.Josh Hara
But finally…. the announcement!!
From the Desk of Donald Trump: Major Announcementtrump
But there was no “big news.” In fact, the whole thing wasn’t anything new or enlightening.
RT @APCampaign:Trump to Obama: $5 million donation to charity if you release passport and college records #Election2012Donald J. Trump
I am happy to donate $5 million to a charity Barack Obama chooses. All I am asking is that he is transparent with the American peopleDonald J. Trump
My offer to Obama is about transparency. In 2008, American people were sold on hope and change. This our last chance to get the full record.Donald J. Trump
Trump’s story carried so little weight or importance that Twitter was quick to make fun of the Donald:
I will give $500 to charity if Donald Trump gives up his hairdresser’s passport and college records.Ricky Gervais
BREAKING NEWS: Donald Trump to reveal that President Obama is not only half black but half whiteDrunk Ass Rick
BREAKING NEWS: Donald Trump reveals that President Obama has two black girls with a woman named MichelleDrunk Ass Rick
AHAHAHAHA We all were right. Trump wants Obama on The Celebrity Apprentice. 5mill for Birth Certificate! I just cant❤❤ Mamacita
Donald Trump would be a crap Bond villain. Also, I reckon he should spend the whole $5 million on a massive hat. Ayres
Donald Trump is quickly becoming the least entertaining Bond villain ever.CollegeHumor
Trump is now making an offer to the Baja Men. #trump #transcripts #obama Allegretto
BREAKING NEWS: Donald Trump demands Latifah tells what country she’s the queen ofDrunk Ass Rick
BREAKING NEWS: Donald Trump demands to know what medical school Dr Dre went toDrunk Ass Rick
Obama desperately producing documents from college years to meet Trump’s challenge. This ID looks suspicious… Ellis
Obama, watching Donald Trump’s video.
I am giving Mr. Trump a 5pm deadline to deal w/ the hair.Andy Cohen
Trump is now offering 23 BILLION for something else from #obama #BoycottTrump #Donald #transcripts Morning Movement
"It is not the policy of the United States government to negotiate with Donald Trump."Jon Lovett
Trump now making offer to @PearlJam … #trump #obama #transcripts #BoycottTrump Morning Movement
The media were also mostly unimpressed with the Trump’s story.
Surprise! Donald Trump’s much-hyped Obama announcement is actually about Trump himself |
In light of Trump’s latest foolish attempt at importance, we will ignore him for the foreseeable future #BoycottTrumpThe Daily Beast
Trump Announces He’s A Very Sad Man Onion
"I’m a sad, pathetic human being and a complete waste of life." – Donald Trump Onion
NOT BREAKING: Donald Trump releases edited video of himself shouting nonsense at a cameraEd Schultz
You know what else Donald Trump could do? Just give 5 million dollars to charity without asking for anything of anyone.Caissie St.Onge
Donald Trump calls Obama the "least transparent President in history." Right, because we’ve all seen James Polk’s college application.Mike Drucker
Dear Donald Trump: definition of "charity" is "Generosity toward others or toward humanity," NOT "creepy Youtube video ploy for attention."Sarah Colonna
Fake Billionaire Donald Trump drops fake bombshell abt fake controversy so a fake reality show can get actual ratings.John Fugelsang
With esteemed and measured voices like Donald Trump raising relevant questions I’m shocked American politics are such a mess.Adam McKay