

Going the distance: Jonathan’s story

His search for a diagnosis spanned nearly 50 years and two continents. Now, Jonathan Fleisch encourages others living with a rare metabolic disorder to combat fear with fortitude
Kristi Herrling has four young children and a practice of more than 1,000 patients. She works from 7:30 a.m. until late into the night, finding time in between to pack lunches, give goodbye kisses, brush teeth and read bedtime stories. (Photos by Grant Harder)

A doctor’s dilemma

My job as a family physician in small-town British Columbia is a dream come true. It’s also nearly impossible to do.
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Len and Cub: A secret love

Len Keith and Cub Coates fell for each other in early 20th-century New Brunswick, at a time and place where queer relationships were taboo. Their story was almost lost forever—until a collection of tender photographs brought their romance into the light.