It was only a matter of time before Canada’s often bitter November weather would cause a fuss. And yesterday, on the royal couple’s trip to Cupids Cove Plantation Archaeological Site, it wasn’t so much the small crowds—57 according to the Toronto Star—that caused a fuss but an ancient fur stole that Camilla, duchess of Cornwall wrapped around her neck and tucked into her green tweed coat to ward off the damp and cold. It was nearly invisible, and it must be said, perfectly matched the fake-fur trip on her hat, but PETA was all over it in the British press.
A spokesman for the animal rights group dripped with vitriol: “Since no one who is anyone wears real fur any more, and certainly no one attuned to the overwhelming disgust of the public about fur, one has to ask did one of her dogs drag this poor animal home? Rabbits like seals are social loving animals and have their own niche in the eco-system and don’t look particularly fetching when reduced to lining or trim.”
And certainly, PETA wasn’t willing to even concede that reusing a piece of clothing year after year, could possibly, theoretically, be good for the environment. No doubt they would have preferred if Camilla had ordered some natty fleece neck warmers from Mountain Equipment Co-op before her trip. Still, the duchess isn’t one to let a bit of animal activist fuss bother her. After all, this is a country-loving woman whose idea of heaven is spending the day hunting, usually in the most horrid weather imaginable.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009 (St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador and Toronto, Ontario)
Their Royal Highnesses meet with Their Honours, the Honourable John C. Crosbie, Lieutenant Governor and Mrs. Crosbie. They will then plant a tree on the grounds of Government House.
Their Royal Highnesses will lay a wreath to honour the memory of the sons and daughters of Newfoundland and Labrador at the National War Memorial, St. John’s. Premier Williams will attend.
Late morning
Their Royal Highnesses meet with students, teachers and volunteers at the Association for New Canadians.
Their Royal Highnesses say farewell at St. John’s International Airport and depart for Toronto.
Their Royal Highnesses arrive at the Lester B. Pearson International Airport in Toronto.
Their Royal Highnessess have a private meeting with the Premier of Ontario, the Honourable Dalton McGuinty in Toronto.
Late afternoon
His Royal Highness meets with members of Canadian Business for Social Responsibility (CBSR).
Her Royal Highness visits the Royal Conservatory of Music where she will have a brief tour of the Conservatory, including a visit to the recently completed Koerner Hall and a short performance by students. Her Royal Highness will meet students involved in Learning Through the Arts Program.
As Her Royal Highness departs, she pauses to read a plaque commemorating the 1901 visit of the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall
At Heritage Canada Foundation event: His Royal Highness presents the Prince of Wales Prize for Municipal Heritage Leadership
Their Royal Highnesses join a reception hosted by the Province of Ontario at the CARLU, Eaton’s College Park