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Canada’s not for sale. Maclean’s is.


Do you know what your kids are up to?

What you’re thinking
By Maclean's
Do you know what your kids are up to?
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British Columbia: Only 33 per cent of British Columbians with teenagers at home say they are “very aware” of what goes on in their children’s social lives. In every other region, roughly half of parents say they know what their kids are up to, except Manitoba and Saskatchewan, where more than six in 10 say they are well aware.

Alberta: The Supreme Court recently ruled that although suspects have a right to consult a lawyer, they don’t have the right to legal counsel during police interrogations. Albertans­—72 per cent of them—overwhelmingly disagreed with the court’s decision. In Quebec, only 44 per cent thought the court was wrong.

Ontario: Although many Canadians (39 per cent) say they believe a person’s country of origin should have no bearing on whether they can immigrate to Canada, a significant number say Canada “should ban immigrants from some countries that are overrepresented in our country.” The idea of a ban is most popular in Ontario, with 14 per cent support.

Quebec: A poll of parents with children between 12 and 17 found that, in Quebec, only 35 per cent would be concerned to learn their child had used marijuana; compare that to 81 per cent of Atlantic Canadians. And only three-quarters (75 per cent) of Quebec parents would be concerned if their children had tried cocaine or ecstasy; in every other region, more than 90 per cent of parents expressed concern.

Atlantic Canada: Canadians in every province believe our country should be a “melting pot” with immigrants “assimilating and blending” into Canadian society, rather than a “mosaic” where “differences are preserved.” Quebecers were the most supportive of the melting-pot concept, at 64 per cent, while Atlantic Canada was coolest to the concept, with only 41 per cent choosing it over the mosaic.