Conservative politicians fill up their gas-guzzlers
The federal carbon tax came into effect today for four Canadian provinces. The day before the Liberals’ tax on fossil fuels became a reality, Conservative politicians in Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and New Brunswick had what appears to be a coordinated PR field day. Andrew Scheer, Caroline Mulroney, Vic Fideli and others had photo ops at gas stations as they filled up their vehicles as a last hurrah of sorts before the several-cents-per-litre price hike. Some even participated with a crucial element missing… Where’s your car, Natalia Kusendova?
While their ‘looking off into the distance’ poses are presumably meant to look defiant and impressive, they don’t distract from the fact that basically all of the Conservative politicians appear to be filling up big, less than fuel efficient SUVs, minivans and pick-up trucks. (They also don’t mention that the Liberal plan includes a rebate that will give back hundreds of dollars per household to offset the cost of the tax.) Have a look for yourself:
Remember to fill it up tonight! Justin Trudeau’s Carbon Tax kicks in tomorrow, which will make everything from driving your kids to school, to heating your home, to your groceries more expensive. pic.twitter.com/EpVPLY05eH
— Andrew Scheer (@AndrewScheer) April 1, 2019
Today is the last day to fill up before the Federal Carbon Tax is imposed. Ontario remains committed to standing up for families, farmers and jobs in #YorkSimcoe by fighting the carbon tax with every tool and power at its disposal. pic.twitter.com/hopZPQH8WO
— Caroline Mulroney (@C_Mulroney) March 31, 2019
Today is the last day to fill up before the Federal Carbon Tax comes to Ontario.
Fill up today … tomorrow the Federal government is charging you more with a Carbon Tax that will result in a ¢4.4/litre increase to the price of gas. pic.twitter.com/kEiU1dc7Xk
— Victor Fedeli (@VictorFedeli) March 31, 2019
Today’s the last day to fill up your gas tank before the federal carbon tax makes life more expensive for all of us.
Starting April 1st, gas will go up almost 4.5¢ /L, which will grow to 11¢ /L by 2022.
We’ll keep fighting to stop this terrible tax! pic.twitter.com/6ovLqrK2js
— Michael Tibollo (@MichaelTibollo) March 31, 2019
The Federal government is charging you more with a Carbon Tax that will result in a ¢4.4/litre increase to the price of gas. It won’t just cost you more to fill your car – it will cost more to heat your home and feed your family. pic.twitter.com/M1Jb2HLozd
— Michael Parsa (@MichaelParsa) April 1, 2019
#PreciousMoment, yes!!! last time I filled gas without #CarbonTax. Carbon Tax is going to effect all aspects of our lives, heating our homes or feeding our families. As per #FinancialAccountabilityOfficer it will cost $648 annually by year 2022. #OnPoli pic.twitter.com/wX1VFYsh05
— Deepak Anand (@DeepakAnandMPP) March 31, 2019
Time is running to fill up before Justin Trudeau’s expensive and uncompetitive carbon tax. Why is he punishing Ontario when we have already achieved over 70% of the 2030 target reduction, while rest of Canada’s GHG emission has increased. #onpoli pic.twitter.com/ZgeNhCej5Z
— Jim McDonell (@JimMcDonell) April 1, 2019
It’s #AprilFoolsDay in a few hours, but no joke that the federal Carbon Tax will bring higher prices! ⛽ pic.twitter.com/5QqC0NwG4a
— Gila Martow (@GilaMartow) April 1, 2019
Today is the last day to fill up before the Federal Carbon Tax comes to Ontario. It won’t just cost you more to fill your car – it will cost you more to heat your home and feed your family. pic.twitter.com/8MGJud2KuP
— Todd Smith (@ToddSmithPC) March 31, 2019
Today is the last chance to fill up before the #TrudeauCarbonTax kicks in and makes life more expensive for families – raising prices at the pumps by almost ¢5/litre. @fordnation and the entire @OntarioPCParty caucus will keep fighting to make life more affordable for Ontarians. pic.twitter.com/lWmp5CkSOc
— Parm Gill, MPP (@ParmGill) March 31, 2019
Today is the last day to fill up before PM Trudeau’s Carbon Tax comes to Ontario & making life more expensive for everyone. This means higher prices for heating your house, food & driving your kids to school. This #CarbonTax will cost the average family $648/year by 2022. #Onpoli pic.twitter.com/UUzVNJZKaB
— Amarjot Sandhu (@sandhuamarjot1) March 31, 2019