Hey, smart guy! Try our trivia test and take on our Genius!Our trivia test may be the toughest around—but our Genius, Peter Dyakowski, is CFL-tough. Can you beat his 87%?
Are you smarter than Maclean’s Genius? Take our trivia test!Our Genius, Peter Dyakowski, is CFL-tough. But our trivia test may be tougher. Can you beat his 67% score?
Think you can take on a Tiger-Cat at trivia?Our trivia test is tough. And our Genius, Peter Dyakowski, is CFL-tough. Can you beat his post-Grey Cup score of 87%?
Hey, smart guy! Can you beat the Maclean’s Genius at trivia?Our weekly trivia test may be the toughest around. And our Genius, Peter Dyakowski, is CFL-tough. Can you beat his Quiz score, at 77%?
Are you smarter than Maclean’s Genius? Take our trivia test!This week, we tested Peter Dyakowski on everything from comedy duos to crashed UFOs. Can you beat his 77%?
Talking Points: Of stealthy cops and syrup-heist flopsOur short takes on the news of the week, from a Colombian peace pact to a Montreal corruption trial
Take our trivia test and see if you can beat our GeniusOur weekly trivia test is tough—and topping our Genius Peter Dyakowski’s score will be a tall order. Try it now!
Talking Points: On Carney’s next move and the Senate’s best crewOur short takes on the news of the week, from the Bank of England governor to an embarrassing choice of words
You vs. Our Trivia Genius. Score to beat: 80 per cent.CFL tackle and Maclean’s Genius Peter Dyakowski was a bit sheepish about his score on this week’s trivia test—but it’s still a sturdy 80 per cent
Can you tackle our Trivia Genius’s Quiz score this week?Some trivia advice from CFL tackle Peter Dyakowski, who scored 83 per cent this week: ’Always trust your gut.’