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Trudeau tweet feature

Was Justin Trudeau’s tweet the right move?

Trudeau sub-tweets Trump’s immigration ban. Was it the right thing to do?
By Maclean's

On Saturday, as the ramifications of Donald Trump’s executive order on immigration—which halts all refugees from entering the United States for three months, as well as blocks entry for citizens of Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Sudan, Libya and Somalia—Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took to Twitter. Rather than speak directly to the ban, Trudeau instead tweeted: “To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith. Diversity is our strength #WelcomeToCanada”.

Much of the reaction from Canadians (and Americans) was positive.

Even a few of his admitted detractors felt it was a good response.

But others questioned it.

In some instances, his critics felt that the Liberal government has not continued to live up to the full potential of its earlier commitment to bring refugees to Canada.

Others wondered whether, from a perspective of global diplomacy, it was wise for Trudeau to poke Trump in such a way. After all, Canada will in all likelihood have to renegotiate NAFTA, not to mention coexist in relative harmony with its large, powerful neighbour to the south.

Was Trudeau’s tweet the correct course of action?