NOW WITH FUN UPDATE! BREAKING: Was Rights and Democracy on the grassy knoll in Dallas??!?!!!!?
It’s so good to find a sympathetic ear. And so the new board majority at Rights and Democracy must be so pleased to find Tim Mak, who splits his time in Washington between the National Post and David Frum’s website, where tonight he is breaking this shock-horror story suggesting Rights and Democracy might — before Aurel Braun and his confrères came riding over the hilltop to stage a gallant cavalry rescue — have bankrolled the Durban II conference in Geneva. Nut graf:
However, a FrumForum examination of United Nations annual reports show that the Canadian-based organization, Rights and Democracy — which received over $10 million from the Canadian government, or nearly 80% of its revenue — contributed nearly half a million dollars to the UN High Commission on Human Rights over the last several years. One FrumForum source puts the number closer to $700,000, accounting for unreleased 2009 figures. The UNHCHR is the parent organization for the Anti-Discrimination Unit, which organized Durban II in April of 2009.
I have fairly strong opinions about this story, but perhaps you are all tired of my fairly strong opinions, so I’ll leave you to read and discuss this one by yourselves. I’ll check back later to see how it’s all going.
UPDATE: In the comment section, anonymous comment-section person “Hannah” delivers a magisterial schooling upside the head of Tim Mak and his sources. Gee, that didn’t take long at <em>all.</em>