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Evan Solomon and John Geddes discuss politics in Ottawa December 22, 2015. (Photograph by Blair Gable) Blair Gable

Evan Solomon and John Geddes on a packed Liberal agenda

Follow along with speedy punditry on pipeline politics, the impact of La Loche, and renewed relations with Iran
By Evan Solomon

Evan Solomon joins Ottawa bureau chief John Geddes for their latest attempt at rapid-fire politics. This week, the duo tackled a busy governing agenda for a Liberal front bench that fended off the opposition in 2016’s first week back to Parliament. Here’s what went down:

1. Pipeline politics. A national divide over natural resources threatens to overtake Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s governing agenda, pitting east against west—and potentially becoming a litmus test for Trudeau’s economic leadership. What political challenges does the PM face as his government introduces new rules for proposed pipeline projects?

2. Truth and reconciliation. Trudeau’s visit to La Loche, Sask., raises questions about how he will fulfill his ambitious goal to change or heal the relationship with the Indigenous peoples of Canada. Are expectations too high?

3. Reengagement with Iran. As Canada re-engages with Iran, what does this new approach tell us about Liberal foreign policy? Evan Solomon and John Geddes do their version of “rapid fire politics,” which means sort of, kinda, quick-ish answers to the most pressing issues on Ottawa’s radar.

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