It’s InterThingWebNet Day on the campaign trail, y’all!
- CanWest News and the Toronto Sun are both reporting on the latest incarnation of notaleader.ca, courtesy of the Conservatives, whose leader recently – and presciently – predicted a “very nasty campaign.” Promise made, promise kept! (ITQ will admit to giggling at the “DionBook” – specifically, the wall post from The Ghost of Edward Blake. She’s such a geek.)
- Meanwhile, the Liberals are launching not one but two new sites: This Is Dion, which isn’t yet online, but was teasered in today’s Globe. It will apparently depict the Liberal leader as a – gasp! – actual human being, who fishes and snowshoes and fights for national unity while simultaneously playing ball hockey. There’s also the Scandalpedia — insert spooky theme music here — which highlights some of the juicier controversies of the last two years of Conservative government, from the In and Out election financing scandal to the Bernier Affair, and will be updated just as often as the dark elves of the war room are able to do so.
- Finally, your very own ITQ was on TVO’s The Agenda last night, talking about – of all things – online electioneering. The video should be up later today. See if you can point the exact moment at which I snap after hearing the words “citizen journalist” one too many times! (Disclaimer: Some of my favourite people are citizen journalists.)
And finally, courtesy of the entirely Web 2.0 compliant David Akin, a shot of ITQ in full liveblogger mode, standing on the wall outside 24 Sussex Drive last weekend: