Maclean’s magazine cover

Canada’s not for sale. Maclean’s is.


The Canadian Press reports:

With some colleagues apparently calling for his head and his leader warning he might be punished, embattled Liberal MP Denis Coderre has used a TV appearance to try mending fences…

Liberals waiting for another bombshell from Coderre found themselves exhaling slightly. Party members had feared the worst when Coderre agreed to appear on “Tout le monde en parle,” a wildly popular French-language talk show on Radio-Canada.

The show will only air Sunday but, if a snippet that ran Friday afternoon is any indication, they needn’t worry.

“I think it’s an opportunity to say that we are a great party,” Coderre said in the clip…

Also appearing on Sunday’s broadcast, alongside Coderre: Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley, from the legendary rock group Kiss.

I have just one comment. Legendary?