Or the Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association might have had to find someone else to take over – the outgoing president and CEO, Peter Barnes, was registered as an in-house lobbyist until his departure earlier this year, and it’s likely that his successor will be obliged to do the same:
Bernard Lord Named President & CEO of Wireless Industry Association
OTTAWA, Oct. 24 /CNW Telbec/ – Almis Ledas, Chair of the Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association (CWTA), announced today that Bernard Lord has been named the new President & CEO of the Ottawa-based industry group, effective October 27, 2008.
Mr. Lord, the former Premier of New Brunswick who led the province with two successive majorities from 1999 to 2006, was most recently Senior Counsel at the McCarthy Tétrault law firm and serves as a director for several ncorporate and non-profit organizations.
“On behalf of the CWTA Board of Directors, it is indeed a pleasure to welcome Bernard to one of Canada’s fastest growing industries,” said Mr. Ledas. “Bernard’s proven achievements in stimulating economic growth and social progress will be invaluable as the industry continues to innovate and provide Canadians with world-class wireless products and services.” […]
For the record, ITQ does not believe there is anything the least bit inappropriate about this appointment. It’s worth noting, however, that under the current rules, a former elected official, political staffer or senior civil servant would likely be unable to take this job because of the five year ban on post-employment lobbying – but one of the key players behind the most recent Conservative victory is free to do so. It may be time to revisit some of the more onerous restrictions that the Conservatives brought in during those heady early days in power, particularly those that bar some, but not all political strategists and organizers from an entirely legitimate – and respectable – way of earning a living.