Made in Canada, depending on your definitions of “made” or “Canada”

“Yet the Tory election platform was explicit. It promised a ‘”Made-in-Canada” plan focused on ensuring future generations enjoy clean water, clean land and clean energy here in Canada.'”

“Yet the Tory election platform was explicit. It promised a ‘”Made-in-Canada” plan focused on ensuring future generations enjoy clean water, clean land and clean energy here in Canada.'”

— Canadian Press, 2006

“Prentice, speaking to reporters by conference call from London, said regulations for big industrial emitters will have to be harmonized with U.S. rules in order to protect Canadian jobs and investments.”

— “Prentice delays emissions cap until 2012 or later,” Canadian Press, today

Just to make everything clear: I won’t hear a word about broken election promises. The Conservatives were careful to spell it out: “future generations” were going to enjoy clean water, clean land and clean energy. Present generations should not have jumped to conclusions.