So, remember A. Hamilton? The lawyer who showed up at committee yesterday morning with Doug Finley, and scooched in beside his client during his subsequent six minute sit-in?
Turns out he’s the new Paul Lepsoe – the Conservative Party’s legal pointman on all things in-and-out related — and you’ll never guess what he did in his past life.
UPDATE – This, however, came as a bit of a surprise. Remind me again, which party ran on the “Down With Patronage” platform? My memory seems to be playing tricks.
UPPEDERDATER: Apparently, he did such a good job as a director of the Federal Bridge Corporation – yes, we have a Federal Bridge Corporation – he wound up running the whole show when he was appointed chairman of the board in April 2007. And yet, he still finds time to hang on the fringes of a post-committee scrum.