Parliamentary Budget Officer: The sequel, baby
From the Inkless emailbox:
From: Page, Kevin
Sent: November 17, 2008 4:36 PM
Cc: – BLOC: CENTRE DE RECHERCHE ET DOCUMENTATION; – CONSERVATIVE RESEARCH/RECHERCHE CONSERVATRICE; – LIBERAL RESEARCH BUREAU; NDP Research; Nyhuus, Ken; Gallagher, Bob; Boyer, SylvainSubject: PBO Economic and Fiscal Assessment / Évaluation économique et fiscale du DPB
Le français suit
As the Parliamentary Budget Officer (PBO) one of my key responsibilities is to inform you of developments in the nation’s finances and trends in the national economy. In meeting the commitments of my mandate, I intend to provide to you with timely assessments of the Canadian economy and federal finances.
I would like to invite you or your designate to a closed meeting to present and discuss my first report.
Date and Time: Thursday November 20 at 9:00 am
Location: Room ___, Centre BlockIt is my hope that this report will provide you with helpful information and analysis as you begin to prepare for upcoming budgetary deliberations.
My economic and fiscal assessment will be followed by a technical briefing session open to the media, where my staff will be available to answer technical questions concerning the report.
I am also attaching a short briefing note that explains the process the federal government uses to prepare its economic and fiscal forecasts. This document is also available on our Web site at
Kevin Page
Parliamentary Budget Officer
I have inquired, and am given to understand that Mr. Page has neither sought nor received clearance from Parliamentary Librarian William Young for this latest sortie. Mr. Young won’t be thrilled. In other words: It’s on.