UPDATED: Scenes from a stakeout
At one point, a security guard came over, surveyed this scene, and asked me and the Globe’s Heather Scoffield, "Do these belong to you young ladies?" To which I replied, "Yes, although one also belongs to that young gentleman," and gestured vaguely at David Akin. "Alright, then," he said, and headed back behind the gates, presumably reassured that there was no need to bring out the sniffer dogs and the remote stuff-exploder thingy.
For still more coverage, check out Colleague Wells via videoblogthing, my experiments with twitterdom (in reverse chronological order, so it might make slightly more sense if you start on page three and go forward) – and, of course, Aaron Wherry, who covered the whole thing in a slightly more conventional way.
And a few random-type photos..