Should Elizabeth May do debate prep?

Yesterday, she told Maclean’s she won’t be doing any.

Yesterday, she told Maclean’s she won’t be doing any.

A year ago, when it looked like a federal election was in the offing, a Green Party advisor decided to organize a debate prep camp. He would bring May to Vancouver for one weekend, and host a mock debate. Like The West Wing, everyone would be assigned a character. They’d have a mock Harper, a mock Dion and a mock Layton. They’d interrupt to hash out perfect, scripted answers for May. “The idea completely turned her off,” he said.

She has a deep distaste for two-faced politics, and hates watching debates, where, she says, it’s clear that “every raised eyebrow is rehearsed.”


Yesterday, however, she admitted that it may end up being a terrible mistake. What do you think? Noble or foolish?