
The French debate: Franco-blogger reaction roundup

Here’s a look at the reaction of bloggers who blog in French. I’m not familiar with any of these folks, and I make no claim that this represents any kind of scientific measurement of opinion. With that caveat, here’s what they’re saying on the netwebs:

  • Blogueur Dan gives it to Stéphan Bureau — an obvious joke, and one I’m glad I managed to resist. Beyond that, Dan, who blogs from Alberta, liked Harper and really didn’t like Dion. “I would have thought M. Layton would be the Bubble Head of the gang, but M. Dion is even more. So much so that at one point, he was making me seasick. He’s seriously pitiful. I know the guy’s defending his party, but he’s so boring and he was really stressed out. M. Harper was the best prepared and the calmest of all the leaders.”

  • Joanie Dion, apparently no relation, is surprised to give the top score to Stéphane Dion. She found Harper “rather stiff with his ironic smile glued to his face for the whole debate. On the other hand, he controls his moods impressively against multiple attacks from the other parties. As bizarre as it might seem (I’m even surprising mysel), I give the point to Stéphane Dion. Why? Because he answered more directly to the questions of citizens and he targeted the audience by looking at the camera. Duceppe also did good work but we didn’t learn much about his future projects in the House.”
  • Laurent Duperval’s public-speaking blog offers a nuanced, mixed review (Jack Layton was having the most fun, from where Laurent was sitting). Reluctantly, he offers a bottom line: Harper defended his territory and the others couldn’t make gains.
  • Plume Basson wasn’t impressed by Harper but had no real favourite among the others.
  • Sly gives them number scores, with his favourite, Duceppe, followed closely by Dion. Sly really wasn’t impressed with Elizabeth May.
  • Patrick Lagacé, La Presse’s widely-read blogger, gives out numbers too: Duceppe, followed by Dion and Harper tied.

Bit of a toss-up, all told.